Blizzard at the Aventine. Abuse of power and court intrigue at S. Anselmo. Complaints in the Vatican.
The charges against Abbot Primate Gregory Polan
At the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and the Dicastery for Culture and Education, two complaints have been received that report very serious events, which Silere non possum has been able to verify by speaking with several personalities and students from the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo. We have already reported, in the past few days, on certain events that occurred within this institution.
The Abuses and the Dicastery
Over the years, many religious have turned to the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and have submitted numerous complaints from various ecclesial realities around the world. It is clear that the current staff is struggling to manage the overwhelming workload. Silere non possum has repeatedly emphasized the need to establish specialized sections within the Dicasteries for "commissariamenti" (investigative processes), with adequately trained personnel to handle these delicate situations. Without such a reform, the work of the Office risks becoming merely a repressive function, lacking real support for Consecrated Life and unable to ensure a serious and competent handling of the cases.
In a complex context like the Vatican, the lack of human resources and the overload of cases encourage the risk of favoritism: those who have influential relationships receive attention (this applies both to the accused, who receive favorable treatment, and to the accuser, who may get quicker handling of the case), while others see their cases ignored or buried.
We have also addressed this problem by discussing the case of Carmelite priest Father Luigi Gaetani, who was protected for a long time by the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, where he has long-standing friendships. Only after Silere non possum made the issue public did Sister Simona Brambilla decide to initiate the process. Our question remains unchanged: does it make sense to act only after being publicly exposed? Why is it necessary to wait for a scandal to ensure justice for the many victims of these abuses?
Gregory Polan and the Abuses at Aventino
At the Athenaeum on Aventino, several things have occurred over the years that raise concerns. The Statutes state that the Grand Chancellor should be engaged in “protecting the doctrine and discipline of the Church.” As we have seen in this article, by allowing Andrea Grillo to teach, this is not happening at all. Even in Padua, they are aware that “many bishops do not send priests to study here precisely because of Andrea Grillo’s presence,” say academic authorities. Yet, the love of money seems more appealing. We have uncovered, with documented evidence, how money is more important than sound doctrine at the Sant’Anselmo Athenaeum, and thus the “DONATIONS FOR THE SACRAMENTAL CHAIR FROM THE SWISS CONGREGATION” listed in the financial report are certainly more attractive than “Hail Marys.”
In this regard, we invite the Grillo Parlante to refrain from posting on his Facebook page, where, between an invective against Giorgia Meloni and a rant about female deacons, he attacks everyone.
Silere non possum has all the financial reports of the Athenaeum from the time he started teaching until today. Silence is a good thing, especially for someone who should pay for their foolish ideas with their own sweat, not with the sweat of others.